Friday, September 27, 2013

BOB: Muddiest Point

Okay, so my "muddiest point" this week has been trying to remember all of the exceptions to the rules of finding the domain of different functions. In an effort to better remember all of these details, I made a chart of how to find domains of different functions. In addition to the chart helping my own understanding, I was able to share it with others in class so that they could too understand it better. In making the chart, I realized all functions domains are all real numbers except for rational and radical functions; that's when it all gets complicated. I also made a smaller chart for finding the range of functions, and have been pairing similarities of functions together to better understand overall how to find the domain and range of any function. Another thing I have been troubling myself with is the difference between parenthesis and brackets when writing the domain and ranges of functions. I can never remember which one to use or which one includes/excludes the number listed in the domain/range. It's been taking me some time, and sometimes it makes me feel like I am behind, but slowly and surely I am getting there. I really do appreciate Mr. Jackson helping me with understanding all of this madness. I can tell he really wants everyone to succeed in his classes, and that motivates me to try my hardest as well. So in comparison to my last BOB, I feel like I'm starting to understand the information a small percentage better.

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