Friday, September 20, 2013


Many people have those days when they walk into class and understand what's going on in Pre-calc. but when they get home, they can't remember all of it or any of it. So they struggle with the homework. Maybe your one of those people who never has those days. I for one am one of those people who forget right when they enter the door of the house. So when we received the homework, 1.4 Function Notation questions 2 through 48, I understood it in the class and thought "I got this in the bag!". As soon as my foot hit the inside of my house everything I learned disappeared. I looked at the work and became confused, so I looked up "how to's" online and checked the answer sheet on Mr. Jackson's website to see if I was on the right track. Even though the internet and the answer sheet helped I was still a little confused on some questions. The next day in class some kids asked some questions and we went over them in class, some of the questions applied to my own where other didn't, at that point in time. Either way I wrote the proses down and applied them to my situations. That was helpful. After doing the homework I still had 3 questions left unsolved, questions 28, 30, and 32. So today after school I stayed after and found out that I done half of those problems right, where you had to find f(0). Mr. Jackson then showed me how to do f(x)=0. All I had to do was have 0 as the f. So instead of f(x)=3-(2/5)x you put 0=3-(2/5)x and solved the problem from there. Finally the homework was complete and I had a better understanding of function notation. Sure it took time, effort, few fatty snacks to help calm my frustration. But I'm glad I understand it now. Thank you Mr. Jackson and Vint Cerf (the man who created the internet) for all your help.

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