Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life Lessons


You are probably wondering many things, and looking for answers that just aren't being provided by anyone. Well, I have a few words of advice for my younger self. Also, I will be writing this in list form because you will learn lists are going to be your new best friend when your older. By the way, this is in no particular order either as I am a pretty random person. Here are just a few tips...

1. Stop overthinking everything! It doesn't help anything, instead it just makes you more stressed than you should be. Not everything has a double meaning, just take it as it is and don't overthink it.
2. School is not all about having a 4.0 GPA or getting perfect grades all the time, its about actually retaining the information and trying to push yourself to your limits. Everyone needs a good challenge sometime, so don't be afraid to push yourself a little and take a few AP courses or classes you would think you could never pass.
3. Enjoy sleep. I remember when I was younger I hated naps and would've rather been awake so I wouldn't miss out on anything. You will soon realize that sleep is the best, and sometimes its better to miss that new TV episode to gain an extra hour of sleep. More sleep also equals a happier and healthier attitude about life.
4. "Don't worry about the things you can not control. The only things you are allowed to worry about is things you are able to control." You will hear this many times from dad, and you should really listen to him because for once he is quite right. Tons of times I have caught myself worrying and worrying until I am close to tears, but then I sit back and look at the things I am worrying about and think which things I can actually control and which I can not and just have to let go.
5.Life is not a race. Enjoy and savor every moment of your life. You may be wishing to have a boyfriend, to not have naps, to go to high school, or to have a cell phone. Later, you will realize boyfriends can bring a lot of unneeded thoughts into your head, naps are welcomed whenever possible, high school can be horrible, and cell phones can bring a lot more problems into your life with all of the increased communication.
6.  Be confident. Don't be afraid of what others think. You probably won't see the people you meet in high school when your older. You have no need to impress them. Just be yourself and people will gravitate towards your confidence in yourself.
7. Use family time when you get it. As you grow older you will start to not be able to have those family dinners or family game nights because of sports, school and plans with friends. So enjoy it because soon enough you will be off to college without them.
8. Work for it yourself. Don't depend on others to get you things, get in shape, etc. You have to learn to depend on yourself and work towards goals by yourself. Hard work will pay off in the end!
9. Its okay to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. Don't get held up on a mistake you made in the past. Okay you did it. Move on. Get over it.
10. Step out of your comfort zone. Go and ask out that guy you have been eyeing, raise your hand when no one else in class is, dance in public, wear what you want, go to a party by yourself, introduce yourself to someone before they do. You can do this. God doesn't give you things in life that he doesn't think you can handle.

To end this huge list of random tips and pieces of advice, I will leave you with my favorite quote right now. So in ending, I wish you the best in life and enjoy it because you only live once so make it last! "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming." -Unknown

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