Sunday, October 27, 2013

B.O.B. - class reflection

I didn't understand the long division, for a long time... Then I went to Jackson on Friday morning, he explained to me, and now it makes sense:) I decided to help, people who have problems as well with long division:)

1) Factor a variables or numbers out, that all the terms have in common.
    Write this common factors in front of the other terms, this is important, that, when it is a variable you
    don't forget to plug a zero, as a x-intercept in.

2) Divide: Look at the variable you have to divide in and look at the variable in the term you have to
    divide. Then when you found out, how many times you have to multiply the term you have to
    divide by, to get the closes/smaller to the number/variable in the term, write this number on top of
    the root! So now, you know the number you have the term (divide by) to multiply with so now, you
    distribute. When you've done this, write the distributed answer under the term.

3) Subtract: Subtract the term, you've found out from the original term and write the "rest" under a line.

4) Drop: Drop the next number and you have again a term. Start over at division!

I know, that it is just Jackson's instruction in my words, but probably it helps some of you:)

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