Sunday, October 20, 2013

B.O.B. - Reflection

Last week we started a new chapter. We started with a polynomial challenge, where we first had to divide without a calculator, what was first a bit difficult, but when we remembered again how to do it, wasn't it very difficult anymore. Then was a exercise as a review of our first unit (domain), and then we had to factor.

We started something completely new for me with polynomials. But what helped me a lot to get this completely new thing were the notes on polynomials you put for us on one page.
After we had to use, what we learned on the notes and graphed functions with polynomials. With the four graphs we have to look at. First I was very confused, how to do this, but then Emilie could help me a lot and now I understand it better: What Emilie learned me, might also help some of you;)
- When it curves through the axis = 1 degree
- When it just touches the axis and goes back in the same direction, as it came from = 2 degrees
- When it goes along the axis for a while and then curve through = 3 degrees

What I realized that helps me a lot, when I have to make the graph and then find the intervals: I first draw the graph and then label all the positive sections of the graph with one color and all the negative sections of the graph with one color. Then, when I have to make the interval notation, I just need to describe each individual colored part.

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