Sunday, October 13, 2013

B.o.b. 4

This past week in Jackson's pre calc functions class was very enjoyable from my point of view. On Monday, we had a fun little game where we switched seats, with the intentions of separating my table. Unfortunately, that did not work at as planned and we are now split up with neighboring tables. That being said, I think I really enjoy the new seating chart for the reasons that 1. I can get along with both of my partners. 2. I feel less distracted and can do my work without any issues. And 3. Within one week, we have had multiple mathematic arguments with eachother, which in my point of view, is very entertaining. 
The rest of this week went pretty well also, considering the small amount of time we spent learning. Don't get me wrong, math is fun and all, but I would much rather spend most if class listening to ghost stories! Also, the fire drill added to the shortage of class time. But when we were actually learning, I was very satasfied with what we were learning. I think it is really cool to be able to apply math into real life situations, which Is exactly what we can do with this part of the unit. I have always wanted to know how in the world you can find the area of something with only the perimeter, along with other situations like that. So learning how to do that was very enjoyable for me. So long story short, this week was a very satisfying week, and I feel as if I am prepared for this upcoming test on Tuesday. Thank you for reading my post!

P.S. I am also proud that I remembered to do this post.

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