Monday, October 14, 2013

B.O.B. by Mr. Jackson

This week was a challenge for me because I know that my students are working so very hard on the current material (which I appreciate more than you know), but I feel like some are forgetting the previous material in unit 1.  There are a few students who are absolutely kicking butt when it comes to that first unit, mainly because they are working on a review for the retake.  To those students that are putting in the time, thank you!  To everyone else, either you know it and don't need to spend more than a few minutes going over the previous material, or you have given up ever trying to learn it.  Let me remind you that it's not too late!  If something doesn't make sense to you, please visit Khan Academy at home or see another math teacher.  Perhaps we're having some communication issues and you just don't get me.  That happens!  There is nothing wrong with you asking for help, even if you've never asked before.  Failure in this case is not the absence of knowledge, but knowing what to do (get help) and not doing it!  If you communicate your issues with me, I will do everything in my power to find you the help you need.  Please advocate for yourself when you're struggling.  Don't try to conquer your struggles alone, but don't depend on someone else to give you all the answers.  This is your time to shine.  Make these next few days the best days of math you can and I promise it will be worth it!

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