Thursday, October 17, 2013

B.O.B.- Class reflection

This last Tuesday, the day of the test,was almost a surprise to me, as I had forgotten that there was a test.  I know this sounds weird, but I actually enjoy it a little when teachers give out tests for three reasons.  One, it usually takes up the whole class period, and I usually get done a little early so I can just sit there and think for a little while as others are finishing.  It's like a short break from the rest of the day.  The second reason is that tests are a great chance to show my teachers and my parents how well I understand what we are working on.  It always feels good to bring home an A graded test.  Even when a test is not so good, I know what I need to work on.  The last reason is that teachers almost never give homework the day of a test.  On a daily basis I have what could be called a lot of homework, and it feels good to be able to have more time to myself, even if it is just a little.  So, when you passed out the homework on Tuesday, I guess I didn't really mind

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