Monday, October 28, 2013
b.o.b. 10/28 (late)
Bob #5
Sunday, October 27, 2013
this week was somewhat packed with info but no prop. the DEV project was introduced and in excited to get that underway. test on tues so i will probably pop in after school on mon to clear a few things up in terms of factoring.
This week has been pretty easy with the long division and the grouping. I like how we are changing seats so we can work with new people it was hard to get the hang of it but it was a good idea. The DEV project looks a little difficult but I think it is going to be fun and a really good review for the exam.
B.O.B. - Vance W.
B. O. B.
B.O.B. 6
BOB reflection
Alex's declassified school survival guide (wohohohohh)
Bob #maybe6
BOB thoughts of the week that was just finished
How to survive high school
BOB - makeup
- Do not wait until the last minute to schedule your classes online! Most of the fun electives have already been taken by the upperclassmen as it is. Try your best to have an idea of the classes you want and have a backup plan or two! If you cannot get a certain class, it is not the end of the world!
- Go to school. I know this sounds silly but the more class you miss, the harder it gets. I missed a whole week of school and it was so hard to catch back up!
- Try to pay attention in class, even if it is your least favorite subject! Get as much sleep as you can so you are not falling asleep in class. Most teachers will not give you sympathy when you are lost.
- Spread your wings! You can join so many fun activities, clubs, and sports teams! Talk to new people! There are so many different people, not just your class anymore!
- Stay organized! Do not just throw your papers into your backpack or locker. They will get lost or you will forget to turn them in. Most high school teachers do not accept late work.
- Check your grades frequently. Go onto Skyward and keep track of missing assignments and your grades. Many teachers allow test corrections or a retake. Take advantage of those opportunities.
- As you get older, try to take AP classes. They are “Advanced Placement” classes or college course classes. They will help you when it comes time to take college and it does not cost nearly as much.
- On your own time study and do your homework. Sometimes homework may not be required. However, it will help when it comes time to take a test and you know what to do!
- It may seem like a waste of time for some people, but study. Some people can get away with not studying at all. You need to find a system that you like and helps you. For example; flashcards, taking notes, or writing a word 5 times.
- Have FUN! You are only in high school once so live it up! Go to football games and cheer! Take everything in before it’s over, because in only 4 years it will be over!
B.O.B. Reflection
B.O.B. meets Poly.
B.O.B. meets Poly.
b.o b .
B.O.B #reflection
During this week in Precalc Functions, my class and i had a quiz on graphing and factoring Polynomials.It was 6 questions that i thought i could master, but come to find out i needed alot more practice with factoring the functions.
As i got to the botton two on factoring, i starred at the last one for almost 2 minutes straight. Now i knew the quiz was open note, but if i looked at my notes that means i dont know that part of the material and means i wont still know it when the test comes around. So i looked at my Survival Guide: Factoring pink sheet. This eqaution i was solving was x^4 - 16. When i solved my equation i got (x^2-4)(x^2+4) and i left it like that. Well, i wasnt done yet! it can still be factored more because 4 is a perfect square root.
Overall, i knew on the quiz that the last 2 questions on factoring i got wrong because i never completly finished factoring them. So before the test tuesday i am studying studying studying and tommorow i will be asking my group and Mr Jackson help on factoring. i need to learn how to solve equations with out my notes and i also need to learn to finish square rooting if there is some and finish cube rooting if it is a perfect number for it.
B.O.B.-This Coming Week
This week is going to be really challenging for me because I won't be in class at all. I'll be coming in early every morning but that will make for 5 fifteen-hour days right in a row for me. Still, I'm really excited for this week. I just have to make sure I'm ready for this test and I think I'll be alright. I'm really thankful that that Precalc is the only big class I'll be missing this week. And I know for a fact that Shakespeare Immersion is going to be amazing and some of the most fun I'll have this year. So although I'm a little anxious, I'm more excited than anything.
B.O.B. - class reflection
1) Factor a variables or numbers out, that all the terms have in common.
Write this common factors in front of the other terms, this is important, that, when it is a variable you
don't forget to plug a zero, as a x-intercept in.
2) Divide: Look at the variable you have to divide in and look at the variable in the term you have to
divide. Then when you found out, how many times you have to multiply the term you have to
divide by, to get the closes/smaller to the number/variable in the term, write this number on top of
the root! So now, you know the number you have the term (divide by) to multiply with so now, you
distribute. When you've done this, write the distributed answer under the term.
3) Subtract: Subtract the term, you've found out from the original term and write the "rest" under a line.
4) Drop: Drop the next number and you have again a term. Start over at division!
I know, that it is just Jackson's instruction in my words, but probably it helps some of you:)
B.O.B.- class reflection
B.O.B.- something cool
Saturday, October 26, 2013
B.O.B Learned this week
I learned this week that long division isn't useless, but rather, very useful. It's a better way to find out if a point is or isn't an x-intercept and if it is it can be used to find other x-intercepts. Looking forward to this unit, it's very promising.
When we first started this unit I thought I'd hate it. But as we kept going it wasn't so bad and it was pretty easy. The hardest part for me is knowing when I'm done factoring, but as long as I slow down and think about the work I understand it. I think this has been my favorite unit so far so I hope I'm ready for the test on tuesday.
B.O.B. Progress
Before we learned the other units I hardly knew where to start with finding the domain. Then I figured out that using the polynomials unit we can find out the domain of any function really easily. I was always scared to find the domain of rationals with a radical in the numerator or denominator. Now I find them really fun and know how to do them easily thanks to the polynomial rules.
All in all I am super happy that I understand things now.
BOB post
Friday, October 25, 2013
BOB reflective
Thursday, October 24, 2013
B.O.B. Week 6
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Bob 5
I think this unit went smoothly it was refreshing my memory on how to do this unit and teaching me some more stuff. I like my groups I have been going to and I believe I did good on my test because I use able to understand the unit when you were teaching us and it was pretty fun. But over all I liked this unit.
B.O.B. Progress and Reflection
B.O.B. #5
Bob it gets better
B.O.B: reflection ツ
During this week in PreCalc Functions my class started a new unit by the name of Polynomials. It sounds complicated and the word even looks complicated. Welp, at first it was for me honestly, untill Mr. Jackson gave me a better understanding of how to graph and write an equation for a Polynomial.
When looking at the graph and equation for a Polynomial you have to know all the possible characteristics of them and i didnt know that. I learned on friday why Jackon kept saying the terms bouce,straight,curve,even, and odd. So when we all got handed the paper called "Even or Odd" I asked him about how to write an equation by looking at the graph. When you look at a graph you always want to read it left to right. So if you have to arrows going up, you know the graph will be even. This means it has a even number of degrees and a positive "a" value. Then on the graph if a line goes straight through a number, it will be written like this in an eqution (x±#) if the line bounces off a number you know in the equation the x will be squared. And if you have a curve through a number you know it will be raised to the third power. If the even degree was negative, your 2 arrows would just be going down. Now if you look at a graph and the arrow starts up and ends down, its odd and its negative. This means theres an odd number of degrees and the "a" value is negative. So when you write the equation its just like using the the same stratigies for a even graph.
Anyways, on friday i finally learned how to write an equation and draw a graph for a polynomial thanks to Jackson. I feel more confident then i did like 4 days ago.
B.O.B Progress
B.O.B- Reflection on Polynomials
B.O.B. #5
B.O.B. - Vance W.
B.O.B.-hooray for polynomials.
This is one of my favorite units to do, second only to Logs. It's odd that I'm going to be looking forward to math class for the next week or two, because I rarely enjoy math. I was stressed out beyond belief last week, but I knew that if I made it to Sunday everything would be fine. And here I am, alive and all in one piece. Frankly I'm just excited to do long division of polynomials because that's fun. Actually it's probably the most fun thing we'll do this trimester. But yeah. This unit is going to rock.
Reflection on the week previous to the current week
BOB reflection
BOB #4
B.O.B. Reflection
So throughtout the last unit I missed quite a few days. But on the test day I felt ready to take the test. The reveiwband quadratics madness helped but I think what helped most was the fact that I had been doing the test corrections from the first test the day before. It helped me remember a lot of stuff I probably would have forgotten and gotten wrong. After taking the test there was still stuff I think I got wrong and one problem I just didn't know. But I did my best.
B.O.B- Reflection
I think B.O.B.'s stressed
B.O.B. - Reflection
Last week we started a new chapter. We started with a polynomial challenge, where we first had to divide without a calculator, what was first a bit difficult, but when we remembered again how to do it, wasn't it very difficult anymore. Then was a exercise as a review of our first unit (domain), and then we had to factor.
We started something completely new for me with polynomials. But what helped me a lot to get this completely new thing were the notes on polynomials you put for us on one page.
After we had to use, what we learned on the notes and graphed functions with polynomials. With the four graphs we have to look at. First I was very confused, how to do this, but then Emilie could help me a lot and now I understand it better: What Emilie learned me, might also help some of you;)
- When it curves through the axis = 1 degree
- When it just touches the axis and goes back in the same direction, as it came from = 2 degrees
- When it goes along the axis for a while and then curve through = 3 degrees
What I realized that helps me a lot, when I have to make the graph and then find the intervals: I first draw the graph and then label all the positive sections of the graph with one color and all the negative sections of the graph with one color. Then, when I have to make the interval notation, I just need to describe each individual colored part.
B.O.B.-Class reflection
Saturday, October 19, 2013
So far in this week more specifically this unit, learning and using the material is really easy. graphing is kinda helpful though when trying to envision the domain of the functions we've been dealing with so far. other than that i don't really know what else to talk about.
BOB: Class Reflection
1. Find the degree by adding all of the x's together from the equation. Say you have y= x(x+3)^2, then you would have an odd degree of 3.
2. Now to find out if the graph will be negative or positive, you must also look at the equation. If you have an equation that is positive (y= (3+x)(4+x)), then your graph is positive. If you have an equation that is negative (y= -(3+x)(4+x)), then your graph is negative.
3. Using that information you can find out if your graph is positive/negative and odd/even. Then, I always remember that graphs that are positive always end positive, and graphs that are negative always end negatively. I also remember this saying, "Your even if you like McDonald's and Wendy's, and your odd if you don't." Even degrees lead to "M" and "W" shaped graph lines.
4. By the way, don't totally forget about the individual powers of each of the x intercepts. You need to know each power of each intercept to know how to draw the line. If an intercept is to the power of 1, then the line goes straight through the intercept. If its to the power of an even number, then you "bounce" the line on the intercept. And if you have a power that is an odd number that is greater than 1, then you curve the line through the intercept.
5. Now you are ready to find the degree, find out if the graph is positive/negative and odd/even, and how to draw a graph of any polynomial!
B.O.B. Learned this week
I'm so glad to finally learn why a graph curves through a x intercept, because the factor is to an odd power. And I also never knew that the graph can also bounce off a x interecpt if it is to an even power. This unit looks like it will be fun.
B.O.B. Week 5
Up coming week
I feel this unit will be more understanding for me. So far I understand how to find the degree amd what the graph should look like. I also can look at the graph and find the equation
Friday, October 18, 2013
B.O.B class reflection
Thursday, October 17, 2013
B.O.B.- Class reflection
Monday, October 14, 2013
B.O.B. by Mr. Jackson
Every. Single. Time. :: B.O.B. Vance W.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
B.O.B #3
bob 4
This week we learned a bit of new info but luckily with no challenge or confusion on my part, so i would have to say it was a productive use of my time. Reflecting back on this week reminds me of week 1 of algebra 1, which i thought was awesome because of what we learned and how easy it was to remember what we learned. I'm also really tired so this concludes by reflection.
Sitting in class on Sunday
Study Group
B.O.B. Muddiest Point
B.O.B. #4
B.O.B.- Reflection
My thoughts on things
B.O.B.- Progress
B.O.B. 4
B.O.B. #4
-Dakota C.
B.O.B. Progress
BOB reflection
B.o.b. 4
Reflection B.O.B.
reflection B.O.B
Muddiest point
BOB- reflection
B.O.B-Reflection of Sunday Study Pizza Party ♥
Today at about 12pm, i went in to Mr. Jacksons room to do some homework, as questions, and catch up on the past 2 days that i've missed. Walking into his room, i knew i had a alot of questions but they were accompanied by no answers. I was very happy that some of my class members and I got the chance to come in and have a Precalc Functions get togther with Mr. Jackson.
I learned several things today. Like when writing a quadratic equation, and you are given the x intercepts and a low or high point, it is much easier to sketch out the picture so you hae find the middle of the x intercepts. Finding the middle gets you the x part in the coordinates for the vertex. And the y part of the coordiante is whatever number you are given for your low or high point. After that, then you plug the vertex in the quadratic formula, which is y=a(x-h)*squared* + k. When the vertex is plugged in, then you pick one of the x intercepts and enter it for the y and the x in the equation. I also learned that using the formual -b/2a is used alot when solving problems. Includong steps in finding tha maximum area or minimum.
The 2 hours i spent with Mr. Jackson solving and doing multiple precalc problems was definatley worth it on a beautiful sunday afternoon. I got all caught up on my homework, learned how to solve problems i didnt know how, and well i even got to have pizza and pop. All thanks to Jackson, i am now a little bit smarter then i was this morning with Precalc Functions. Thank Mr. Jackson for taking the time to teach me as weell as others today, and thank you for buying us pizza and pop. Your time and effort spent with us is appreciated greatly. Have a nice sunday Jackson, you deserve it.! ツ
B.O.B.- Reflection
B.O.B. - Reflection
But in general I think it was a good week :) Of course I miss my old table mates a lot but the new ones are also so nice!!!
I missed two days this week. I understood most of the stuff we did but the hardest thing was coming back the next day and hearing there was a super easy short cut to something I didn't understand how to do at all. For example I had no idea how to find the max or min I read the packet and was still confused so I skiped those and on friday I came back and eveyone knew about -b/2a and I understood from context that it found the x vslue to the max and min but it was like it was pulled out of thin air and I was just suppose to know it. But I asked about where it came from and got a print out of the day we solved for x in the quadratic formula which helped a lot. Now all I have to do is catch up on homework.
B.O.B. Progress
B.O.B-Sunday Pizza Party/Study Sesh
I came in on Sunday to get my homework done. I wound up eating pizza and trying to get my homework done-a couple of problems are giving me trouble and I know they will be discussed on Monday while I'm not here so my plan is to stay and get as ready for the test as possible. Yay for learning.
Sunday fun
Sunday was the most helpful day of understanding what I need to do on each question from finding the max or min value of a function to re learning how to complete to square. I got a lot of my homework done and work that I missed on friday in class. We should have these sunday help sessions more often. Thank you Mr. Jacson
B.O.B. Progress
1. Factored Form gives you your x intercepts.
2. Standard Form gives you your y intercept.
3. Vertex Form gives you your vertex and line of symmetry.
I am glad that clicked in so I can use that information to find answers to questions easier and faster. We also started learning how to use the completing the square in examples involving area and perimeter of certain shapes and objects. Sometimes I forget how to find the area or circumference of a circle, so I need to drill those equations in my mind. I can usually figure out the word problems you have given us, but I end up making small mistakes that mess up my answers. Oh and another thing, I don't really understand the x intercept equation involving a +/- square root. I hardly remember that from my other math classes. So I will probably have to find out how to do that if it will be on the test. All in all though, other than a few questions, I feel pretty okay with how this test is looking to be.