Sunday, November 3, 2013


This week in Mr. Jackson's pre-calc functions class, there were a few different things we did. For the first half of the week we worked on our tests. Monday was a study day and Tuesday was the test. Overall, I think that my performance on this test was very good. I went into it somewhat scared, feeling a little bit under prepared, yet as soon as I put my pencil to the paper things started going smoothly. The only issue I seemed to be having was doing the double long division problem, because it was coming out with a remainder every time that I tried it. Eventually it worked out and I am hoping for the best on this test. The second half of the week was spent on the new unit of rationals. For the most part, I think this unit is basic. Its somewhat review of the rationals we did in Algebra 2 with a few extra points to go over. It is a lot of work to plot the graphs with multiple vertical asymtopes though, and I don't necessarily enjoy doing that. Another thing I didn't like about this unit is the fact that you can cross horizontal asymtopes, which went against what we learned in Algebra 2, but now that I have a better understanding of how to work out the problems it makes more sense. This trimester is quickly coming to a close, and I am glad this class is seeming to wrap up on a good note.

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