Sunday, November 10, 2013

Last B.O.B.

It's sad to think that this is gonna be the last B.O.B. of the tri. I'm not sad about the B.O.B. assignment being over exactly (I'll admit, most of my B.O.B.'s we're remembered after 11 on Sunday night) but that it means the tri is over. I've had so much fun this past tri getting the opportunities to learn in new ways with new people I otherwise wouldn't know and I'm gonna miss it. I've actually grown to really enjoy this class even though math isn't my favorite subject just because we manage to find ways to work together and help eachother out to get through the problems. I've liked being able to work with others when I'm confused about something, getting a different explanation that further helps my understanding and comprehension of a topic. 

And finishing the tri off with the DEV project is great. I may not have liked creating the problems themselves, but I've had so much fun working on the presentation with my group. We're having so much fun with our topic! :) This means we have finals right around the corner though- yikes!!! :/

This tri I've learned that no matter what, it's important to really put an effort into both your work and paying attention in class. Whatever you do, don't get behind on your homework packet- otherwise the day before the test you may have a heartattack. You have to make sure to get help if you don't understand something- come in before or after school, or maybe some help from a group member, but do something. One of the things I like about this class is that you're really responsible for your own learning. Jackson does a great job at being available to give help, but it's up to you to really put the time and effort in to do it. 

I'll be taking away from this class a better sense of responsibility for my own learning, something that will really help me in the long run. After the past 2 1/2 months I can honestly say I'm gonna miss this class and the people in it, and that I've enjoyed myself this tri. 

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