Here's the link to our D.E.V.:
We choose the concepts demonstrated in our project because they were the concepts that we knew the best and thought would reach a broad spectrum of the learning curriculum this trimester. All of the problems we created involved two or more units of learning this year and that was a big factor in choosing what problems to include. I think the problems we chose to include really demonstrated our understanding and handwork of this trimester. We really tried to incorporate a little of every unit in order to demonstrate our full understanding of the entire trimester. I learned a lot from this project. It was a great review tool for the exam as well as helping me to fix any bugs I may have felt throughout the trimester. Kristin and Taylor did an amazing job reteaching anything I felt a little iffy on and that was a very valuable to me. Thank you for having us do this project. We may have been quite frustrated at first, and very very confused but we eventually pushed through it and worked everything out. Thanks again.
Kristin:For the D.E.V., we tried to pull concepts from the units that overlapped a little. We did a lot of work using concepts from multiple units at once, so at times we were forced to be a little creative. We also tried to make our problem set difficult, which was actually really hard to actually pull-off. Since we made tough problems that we really would not have known where to start with at the beginning of the year, we got a really nice review of the trimester in before exams. Because we had to remember how to do tough problems that covered the whole trimester, we had to think, which usually is something high school students are unwilling to do. Also it's important to note that once you can teach something to someone else, you know it quite well. I have confidence that if we get problems thrown at us on the exam like what we had on the D.E.V., we'll all be just fine. Through this assignment i learned two things: 1) Being a math teacher is a difficult and thankless job, and 2) we did more than just sit around in math class this trimester. I had a great group to work with and I'm really proud of what we accomplished.
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