Sunday, November 10, 2013

Final B.O.B

Well to be honest this trimester was one of my hardest trimesters. I worked my butt off in this class. I learned a lot of things from this class one of which was how much I really didn't know at the beginning of the trimester and how much I ended up learning by the end that wasn't exactly math related. I've learned a lot over the past couple months like how to connect this math to other things so that way I might just come to understand it. I've been struggling with this class from the beginning and that's mostly because I'm stubborn and hate asking for help especially from people I either don't know or just don't particularly like. I have learned however to come around and bite my lip and ask questions. Another thing I've learned from this class is you can't please everyone. Sometimes it doesn't matter if your taking harder classes than everybody because and, excuse my language, its better to work your ass off on one thing than half-ass everything. Balance is the key to this class and by the time I started to find my balance it was a little too late. I am hoping however to end this trimester on a good note with the DEV project and our final exam. Wish me luck!


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